The July edition of The Wine Merchant features an interview with Dan O’Connor and Eliza Parkes of Yardarm, a beautiful, and beautifully-run, wine shop in Leyton, east London.
There wasn’t much going on in their neck of the woods when they opened in 2015. It was a secondary shopping street like so many across the country, with a takeaway, some estate agents and a lot of boarded-up shops.
Then came investment from Transport for London and the Mayor, turning Francis Road into a traffic-free, cycle-friendly thoroughfare with a relaxed, continental vibe. Normally traders hate pedestrianisation schemes. But in this case it has breathed new life into a moribund street, and Dan and Eliza are reaping the benefits.
Check out the July edition for their story. Better still, drop by for a coffee or a glass of something nice. It’s a happy and inspiring place to spend an hour or so.